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99 Cara Lain Mengucapkan 'Good Job' - 99 Cara Lain Mengucapkan 'Good Job'. Good Job adalah salah satu ungkapan yang bisa digunakan untuk memberikan apresiasi kepada seseorang atas keberhasilannya menyelesaikan suatu tugas atau pekerjaan, Good Job atau Keja Bagus ini sering kita ucapkan ketika kita senang atau puas atas kerja seseorang. Dalam mengungkapkan Good Job, ada beberapa kata lain yang bisa kita gunakan selain itu. Untuk membantu meningkatkan keterampilan kita dalam melafalkan bahasa Inggris, penting untuk kita memperkaya kosakata bahasa Inggris dari berbagai sumber. Dalam pelajaran bahasa Inggris kali ini Anda akan belajar beberapa alternatif kata lain yang bisa digunakan sebagai pengganti kata 'Good Job'. Untuk lebih jelasnya mari kita simak 99 Alternatif Dari Kata Good Job. Semoga 99 Kata Bahasa Inggris Pengganti 'Good Job' ini bermanfaat..

No 99 Ways to Say Good Job
1 All Right!
2 Exactly right
3 Excellent!
4 Exceptional
5 Fabulous!
6 Fantastic!
7 Sensational!
8 Wonderful!
9 Outstanding!
10 That’s it!
11 Just right!
12 Unbelievable
13 Way to go!
14 Simply superb
15 Stupendous!
16 Magnificent
17 Marvelous!
18 First class job
19 First class work
20 Good for you!
21 That’s great
22 Good going!
23 Good thinking
24 Right on!
25 Better than ever!
26 I’m impressed!
27 You’re one of a kind
28 You’ve got it now.
29 You’ve mastered it!
30 What an improvement!
31 You always amaze me
32 You are fantastic
33 You are learning a lot
34 You are learning fast
35 You are so good
36 You did it that time!
37 You did that very well
38 You don’t miss a thing
39 You got it right!
40 You hit the target
41 I’m very proud of you
42 Keep up the great work!
43 Nothing can stop you now
44 Now you’ve figured it out
45 You make it look easy
46 You haven’t missed a thing
47 You did that all by yourself
48 That’s really nice work!
49 You’re doing beautifully!
50 You are very good at that
51 That’s the way to do it
52 It’s perfect!
53 Nice going!
54 That’s right!
55 Well done
56 I’m speechless!
57 Great work
58 How creative
59 Keep it up!
60 Keep on trying!
61 You got it!
62 Not bad at all!
63 That’s the way!
64 Now you have it
65 I knew you could do it!
66 Great improvement!
67 That’s much better
68 That’s it exactly
69 That’s the best ever
70 That’s the way to do it
71 Couldn’t have done it better myself
72 Tremendous job
73 What a creative idea!
74 What a good try!
75 What a neat work!
76 You’re doing well
77 You’re learning fast
78 That looks like it is going to be a great paper
79 That’s quite an improvement
80 That’s the right way to do it
81 That’s a real work of art
82 That’s coming along nicely
83 You’re doing a great job
84 You’ve just about mastered it
85 Your studying really paid off
86 You must have been practicing
87 You’re on the right track now
88 You’re getting better every day
89 You’ve just about mastered that
90 I’ve never seen anyone do it better
91 One more time and you’ll have it
92 It looks like you’ve put a lot of work into this
93 Now that’s what I call a great job
94 We couldn’t have done it without you
95 Keep working on it, you’re improving
96 I’m happy to see you working like that
97 That’s an interesting way of looking at it
98 That’s the right way to do it
99 You certainly did well today.


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