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Kumpalan Singkatan Bahasa Inggris Gaul - Acronyms dan Initialisms Bagian Dari Abbreviations.Singkatan bahasa Inggris merupakan satu hal yang menarik untuk diketahui dan dipelajari. Hal ini akan membantu kita dalam meningkatkan pemahaman bahasa Inggris. Terlebih singkatan bahasa Inggris ini juga cocok digunakan untuk mengirim sms kepada teman atau sekedar memposting singkatan-singkatan berikut dilaman media sosial Anda. Kali ini saya sudah menyiapkan kumpulan singkatan bahasa Inggris gaul untuk Anda.



1AAMOF As A Matter Of Fact
2ABFL A Big Fat Lady
3ABT About
4ADN Any Day Now
5AFAIK As Far As I Know
6AFK Away From Keyboard
7AKA Also Known As
8ASAP As Soon As Possible
9ASL Age, Sex, Location
10ATM According To Me
11ATTN Attention


12BAK Back At the Keyboard
13BBIAB Be Back In A Bit
14BBL Be Back Later
15BBS Be Back Soon
16BFN Bye For Now
17BIF Basis In Fact
18BION Believe It Or Not
19BL Belly Laughing
20BOB Back Off Bastard
21BOT Back On Topic
22BRB Be Right Back
23BRBB Be Right Back Bitch
24BRH Be Right Here
25BRS Big Red Switch
26BS Big Smile
27BS Bull Shit
28BSF But Seriously Folks
29BST But Seriously Though
30BTA But Then Again
31BTAIM Be That As It May
32BTDT Been There Done That
33BTOBD Be There Or Be Dead
34BTOBS Be There Or Be Square
35BTSOOM Beats The Shit Out Of Me
36BTT Back To Topic
37BTW By The Way


38CMIIW Correct Me If I’m Wrong
39CU See You
40CUA Common User Access
41CUL See You Later
42CWYL Chat With Ya Later
43CYO See You Online


44DBA Doing Business As
45DIKU? Do I Know You?
46DITYID? Did I Tell You I’m Distressed?
47DIY Do It Yourself
48DTRT Do The Right Thing


49EMFBI Excuse Me For Butting In
50EOM End Of Message
51EOS End Of Show
52EOT End Of Thread


53FTF Face To Face
54FAQ Frequently Asked Question(s)
55FISH First In, Still Here
56FOMCL Falling Off My Chair Laughing
57FUD Fear, Uncertainty & Doubt
58FWIW For What It’s Worth
59FYA For Your Amusement
60FYEO For Your Eyes Only
61FYI For Your Information


62GA Go Ahead
63GAL Get A Life
64GIGO Garbage In, Garbage Out
65GIWIST Gee, I Wish I’d Said That
66GMTA Great Minds Think Alike
67GOL Giggling Out Loud
68GRD Grinning, Running & Ducking
69GTG Got to Go
70GWS Get Well Soon
71GTRM Going To Read Mail


72HHOK Ha Ha, Only Kidding
73HHOS Ha Ha, Only Serious
74HNG Horny Net Geek
75HTD Have To Disagree
76HTH Hope This Helps
77HTHBE Hope This Has Been Enlightening


78IAC In Any Case
79IAG I’m A Genius
80IAE In Any Event
81IANAL I Am Not A Lawyer
82IC I see
83ICAM I Couldn’t Agree More
84ID I Disagree
85IHA I Hate Acronyms
86IIRC If I Remember Correctly
87ILY or ILU I Love You
88IMAO In My Arrogant Opinion
89IMCO In My Considered Opinion
90IMHO In My Humble Opinion
91IMNSHO In My Not So Humble Opinion
92IMO In My Opinion
93IOW In Other Words
94IPN I’m Posting Naked
95IRL In Real Life
96IRT In Real Time
97ITA I Totally Agree
98ITD I Totally Disagree
99ITRW In The Real World
100IYKWIM If You Know What I Mean


101JAT Just A Thought
102JAPRI Jalur Pribadi
103JFU Just For You
104JIC Just In Case
105JK Just Kidding (or Joke)
106JMHO Just My Humble Opinion
107JMO Just My Opinion


108KWIM? Know What I Mean?


109L8R Later
110LBAY Laughing Back At You
111LD Later Dude
112LDR Long Distance Relationship
113LLTA Lots and Lots of Thunderous Applause
114LMAO Lauging My Ass Off
115LOL Laughing Out Loud or Lots Of Luck
116LOLBAY Laughing Out Loud Back At You
117LTM Laugh To Myself
118LTNS Long Time No See


119M/F? Male or Female?
120MEGO My Eyes Glazed Over
121MHOTY My Hat’s Off To You
122MINK Multiple Income No Kids
123MMHA2U My Most Humble Apologies to you
124MOOS or MOTOS Member Of The Opposite Sex
125MOSS or MOTSS Member Of The Same Sex
126MOTD Message Of The Day
127MOTO Member Of The Opposant
128MUD Multi User Dungeon (or Dimension)


129NBIF No Basis In Fact
130NBIR No Basis In Reality
131NW No Way
132NP No Problem
133NRN No Reply Necessary


134OIC Oh, I see
135OLL On Line Love
136OMG Oh My God
137OOT Out Of Topic
138OOTB Out Of The Box
139OPM Other People’s Money
140OTF On The Floor
141OTOH On The Other Hand
142OTOOH On The Other, Other Hand
143OTP On The Phone
144OTTH On The Third Hand
145OTTOMH Off The Top Of My Head
146OTW On the Way


147PANS Pretty Awesome New Stuff
148PC Politically Correct or Personal Computer
149PDA Public Display of Affection
150PDQ Pretty Darn Quick
151PEBCAK Problem Exists Between Chair And Keyboard
152PGB Pengertiannya Gitu Bang
153PI or PIC Politically Incorrect
154PITA Pain In The Ass
155PMFJI Pardon Me For Jumping In
156PMJI Pardon My Jumping In
157POTS Plain Old Telephone Service (or Pretty Old Tired Stuff)
158POV Point Of View
159PPL Peed Pants Laughing or People


160RL Real Life
161ROAR laughing as loud as a lion
162ROFL Rolling On Floor Laughing
163RP Romantic Partner
164RPG Role Playing Games
165RSN Real Soon Now
166RTM Read The Manual or Message
167RW Real World
168RYO Roll Your Own


169SINK Single Income No Kids
170SITD Still In The Dark
171SO Significant Other
172SOL Smiling Out Loud
173SOMY? Sick Of Me Yet?
174SOS Someone On Shoulder
175STD Sick To Death
176STS Sorry To Say
177SWAK Sealed With A Kiss


178TAF That’s All Folks
179TAFN That’s All For Now
180TANSTAAFL There Ain’t No Such Thing As A Free Lunch
181TBH To Be Honest
182TCN Take Care Now
183TFH Thread From Hell
184TFI The Fact Is
185TFM Thanks From Me
186TFMT Thanks From Me Too
187TFS Thank For Sharing
188TGIF Thank God It’s Friday
189TGTBT Too Good To Be True
190TFRM Thanks For Remind Me
191THX Thanks
192TIA Thanks In Advance
193TIC Tongue In Cheek
194TIG This Is Great
195TIIC The Idiots In Charge
196TLA Three Letter Acronym
197TPTB The Powers That Be
198TTFN Ta Ta For Now
199TTYL Talk To You Later
200TQ or TX or TXS or THX Thanks (or Thank You)
201TYSM Thank You So Much
202TYVM Thank You Very Much


203UAPITA or YAPITA You’re A Pain In The Ass
204USTM or YSTM You Should Thanks Me


205VWP Very Well Put


206W4W Word for Word
207WAGS What A Great Story
208WAI What An Inspiration!
209WB Welcome Back
210WDALYIC? Who Died And Left You In Charge?
211WFM Works For Me
212WIBNI Wouldn’t It Be Nice If
213WP Well Put
214WT? What/Who The?
215WTH? What The Hell?
216WTG Way To Go
217WTGP? Want To Go Private?
218WTS With That Said
219WU? What’s Up?
220WUF? Where are you From?
221WYSIWYG What You See Is What You Get


222XX Kisses


223YAAG You Are A Genius
224YABR You Are Being Replaced
225YGBSM You’ve Gotta Be Shittin’ Me
226YMMV Your Mileage May Vary
227YOLO You Only Live Once
228YRR You ‘R’ Right
229YVMW You’re Very Much Welcome


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