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65 Cara Lain Mengucapkan 'Thank You' - 65 Cara Lain Mengucapkan 'Thank You'. Thank You adalah salah satu ungkapan yang bisa digunakan untuk mengucapkan terimakasih kepada seseorang, Terimakasih sering kita ucapkan ketika kita menerima sesuatu dari olang lain baik itu berupa uang, barang ataupun pertolongan. Dalam mengungkapkan Thank You, ada beberapa kata lain yang bisa kita gunakan selain itu. Untuk membantu meningkatkan keterampilan kita dalam melafalkan bahasa Inggris, penting untuk kita memperkaya kosakata bahasa Inggris dari berbagai sumber. Dalam pelajaran bahasa Inggris kali ini Anda akan belajar beberapa alternatif kata lain yang bisa digunakan sebagai pengganti kata 'Thank You'. Untuk lebih jelasnya mari kita simak 65 Alternatif Dari Kata Thank You. Semoga 65 Kata Bahasa Inggris Pengganti 'Thank You' ini bermanfaat..

No 65 Ways to Say Thank You
1 Thanks
2 Many thanks
3 Thanks a lot
4 Thanks a bunch
5 Thank you very much
6 It’s very kind of you
7 I really appreciate it
8 Thank you for everything
9 I owe you one
10 I really appreciate your help
11 I’m so grateful
12 Thanks a million
13 Thanks for everything
14 Thanks so much
15 I can’t thank you enough
16 I cannot express my appreciation
17 I appreciate your time
18 A million thanks to you
19 I owe you big time
20 I truly appreciate you
21 Thanks a ton
22 How thoughtful of you!
23 I’ll forever be grateful
24 Please accept my deepest thanks
25 You’re too kind
26 You are an angel
27 You are the best
28 You have my gratitude
29 You made my day
30 You saved my day
31 You’re a dear
32 You’re a life saver
33 You’re awesome
34 You’re great
35 You’ve saved my life
36 Accept my endless gratitude
37 All I can say is, Thanks!
38 All my love and thanks to you
39 Consider yourself heartily thanked
40 How can I ever possibly thank you
41 How can I ever thank you enough
42 How can I show you how grateful I am?
43 I couldn’t have done it without you
44 I do not know what I would do without you
45 I don’t know what to say!
46 Oh, you shouldn’t have!
47 I humbly thank you
48 Please accept my best thanks
49 I’m grateful for your assistance
50 I’m really grateful for your help
51 It is hard to find words to express my gratitude
52 It was so awesome of you
53 I really appreciate everything you’ve done
54 I really want to thank you for your help
55 I thank you from the bottom of my heart
56 I thank you most warmly
57 I want you to know how much I value your support
58 I wanted to thank you as soon as possible
59 I will never forget what you have done
60 I wish to thank everyone who pitched in
61 If anyone deserve thanks, it’s you
62 Your generosity overwhelms me
63 What would I do without you?
64 Words can’t describe how thankful I am
65 My gratitude knows no bounds.


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