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Listening is the absorption of the meanings of words and sentences by the brain. Listening leads to the understanding of facts and ideas. But listening takes attention, or sticking to the task at hand in spite of distractions. It requires concentration, which is the focusing of your thoughts upon one particular problem. A person who incorporates listening with concentration is actively listening. Active listening is a method of responding to another that encourages communication.

In addition, the listeners should have an effective way to comprehend what the speaker talking about. Therefore, in teaching listening the teacher should provide skills for the students about how to do an effective listening. However, based on the teacher’s experience, the teacher found some conditions. First, the students look at the speaker but don't listen. They expect to get the material from the textbook later. Then, they think it is too difficult to follow the speaker's complicated ideas and logic.A poor listener wants entertainment, not education. And then, they feel boring when the teacher ask them to listen native speaker speak in audio (teacher material). A poor listener daydreams and falls behind.

Listening is a very important skill, especially for teacher. Many teacher tend to talk too much during a tutorial session. This defeats the purpose of tutoring, which is to allow students to learn by discussion. Rather than turning the session into a mini-lecture, teacher must actively listen and encourage their students to become active learners. Giving a student your full attention is sometimes difficult because you start to run out of time, or you find yourself thinking about your next question; however, the time you spend actively listening to your student will result in a quality tutoring session.

Students who are active listeners use new information more productively. They are better equipped to access their prior knowledge, which allows them to make connections with new information. It also enables them to decide how to use this information. By activating their schema, they have a framework for understanding new content and whether or not the content is relevant. As a result, they are much better at sifting through all of the information they receive and determining what the main points are and what are extraneous details.

So the teacher have to provide effective strategy. There are some strategies that make students understand about the listening material. First, Listening for gist means students listen in order to understand the main idea of the text. Second, Listening for specific information the students want to find out specific details, for example key words. And the last Listening for detailed understanding, the student want to understand all the information the text provides.

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